How to Repair Your Own Credit

How to Repair Your Own CreditHow to Repair Your Own Credit

How to Repair Your Own Credit? No one wants a bad credit yet it happens. The single mistake you made several years ago could have led to some other mistakes that can seriously damage your credit. You might not even give your credit score a thought when something goes wrong. However, penance will come sooner or later, especially when you fail to get something you need or want, whether it is a credit card, a car, or a house, all because of your credit score.

When this happens, you’ve got a couple of choices. You can just sit back without doing anything, depriving yourself of things you like due to your previous transgressions. The other is you can start repairing your credit on your own. Here are a few tips you can follow to repair your credit.

Know Your FICO Score

In the world of finances, people are graded based on how well they have performed within that field of education. These grades are being manifested through your FICO score, which can range from around 350 up to 850.  Knowing your FICO score or grade in relation to the rest will tell you how much you still need for you to improve what you have.

Request for Your Credit Report

The top three credit reporting bureaus provide a complimentary credit report once every year. Apart from offering your credit score, the report will also give you the exact details reported under your name and if the information is positive or negative. Review every line and search for inaccuracies.

Correct Errors When You Find Them

After you check your credit report, identify if there are some mistakes entered. These errors could have occurred in the form of inaccurate or incomplete account history or outdated information. If this is the case, fill out the dedicated dispute form which comes with the credit report. Return this to the credit reporting agencies together with any supporting paperwork.

Get in Touch with Your Creditors

One of the simplest ways to correct errors could be through calling your creditors yourself. in case you have an account past its due, most collectors will be happy to receive any kind of payment and will be open to bargaining. Once you have taken the necessary action, you can request them to your name from their Collections list.

Be Punctual in Payments

Timely and consistent payment can improve your FICO score in many ways. This action shows your responsibility and reliability when it comes to money management. If you have any trouble with this area, you can choose to pay your bills automatically.


Request for Your Credit Report and Check Your Credit Score

Refrain from actions that lowered your FICO score previously, and continue to build what can make it stronger in the future. Although it might be a bit difficult road to travel on, the destination is definitely going to give you immense satisfaction.

Stay Away from Unnecessary Debt

This last tip is specifically important when repairing credit. Identify your wants and needs. Establish these distinctions with other family members you provide for.

These all are the best tips that can help you to repair your own credit.


Melissa Clark: Melissa Clark is a personal finance reporter at Creditmergency. She has earned a master’s degree in business and economic reporting from New York University. Clark has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Syracuse University and grew up in Miami, Fl.
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