Credit Repair for Free

Credit Repair for FreeCredit Repair for Free

If you are one of the 42% of Americans suffering from bad credit or a low credit score (under 720), you may be intrigued by all the “free credit repair” services offered. Before you do, you should know you can do it yourself, truly for free.

Who Needs Credit Repair?If you are planning on ever taking out a loan, whether for a car, home or anything your heart desires, your credit score will be key in determining your interest rate. Any score under 750 should be repaired as best as possible.

Self – Help Credit Repair

  1. First, get your credit report. You are entitled to a free report if you are denied any service because of your credit. On the form you receive denying credit, find the name and phone number of the credit reporting company. You are also entitled to one free report a year. There are three consumer reporting companies, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can look any of these up online.
  2. Secondly, dispute any mistakes or outdated entries on the report. In two letters, one to the reporting agency and the other to the company who’s charge you dispute, include your name, address, the item you dispute, any facts and explanations, request that it be removed or corrected and include a copy of any supporting documents and a copy of your credit report with the item circled.
  3. Third, keep balances low, pay off credit cards and apply for new credit only when needed.

All of this information you can do yourself for absolutely free. Unfortunately it takes time and effort into doing all of this correctly.

Most people consider purchasing a do-it-yourself credit repair kit instead which will usually includes tons of letters in order to dispute effectively.

Melissa Clark: Melissa Clark is a personal finance reporter at Creditmergency. She has earned a master’s degree in business and economic reporting from New York University. Clark has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Syracuse University and grew up in Miami, Fl.
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