Top 5 Reasons to Get a Personal Loan


Do you need cash? Well, you may use your credit cards, use your car for your loan as a collateral or take out the costly payday loan. However, there is no need. Luckily, you can take for consideration of personal loans. There are many reasons to get personal loans and these include being able to use loan proceeds for any purpose and saving on the interest.

Below are the top five reasons why you should get a personal loan:

  • Consolidate Credit Card Debts

If you’re making payments monthly on different credit cards, personal loans may help you consolidate the payments into a monthly payment, which could save you more money in the end. Most credit cards have high interest rate that adds up in the long run. If you have a good credit score, you may usually get personal loans at lower interest rates. Although the principle you pay would remain the same, you would pay less in the interests over time.

  • Pay for the Medical Bills

Your outstanding medical bills can be eliminated quickly even with good credit score. Once you had unexpected medical emergency, personal loans may help you repay the medical provider before your bill will be sent to the collections. Rather than leaving such bills unpaid, you may get personal loans and pay your medical bills. After that, you may pay back your personal loan for a certain period of time while building and protecting your credit score.

  • Update Your Home

Keeping your property in good shape can be both long term and short term investment. It makes sure that you can enjoy your house while you’re in it and you can get higher prices for it once you move. You may take out personal loans to cover some home improvement projects like a new deck or fresh paint before the summer season starts.

  • Help with Your Moving Expenses

Whether you are moving across the country or across the town, it comes with both hidden and planned expenses. Personal loans may help you cover such expenses. It’s best to make your moving budget before taking out loans. Having budget enables you to account for expenses like a moving van and deposits while giving yourself a room for unexpected expenses like an apartment you’re vacating or cleaning fees for your home.

  • Cover Any Unexpected Expenses

Several things are difficult to plan for like a fridge or broken down car. Even if you have money in savings, paying such unexpected expenses with personal loans can be your best choice. If you take out personal loans for covering such expenses, you will be able to build and improve your credit score.

When taking personal loans, make sure to shop around and compare the best loan terms. Find the lowest cost and it is a good idea to borrow more than you will need in case of additional expenses. Remember that although personal loans can be helpful, it can be used improperly. So, see to it that you have planned for it before taking any personal loan.

Melissa Clark: Melissa Clark is a personal finance reporter at Creditmergency. She has earned a master’s degree in business and economic reporting from New York University. Clark has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Syracuse University and grew up in Miami, Fl.
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