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How to Financially Prepare for a Baby   

How to Financially Prepare for a Baby?

Having a new addition to the family is always good news. But, as you bask in the joys of having a little one soon, there might be millions of things crowding your mind. One of these is whether or not you are financially ready to have a baby in the first place. In this article, we are going to tell you how to financially prepare for a new baby.

To help ease some of your worries, here are some tips on how to prepare your finances for a new baby:

Check Your Health Insurance Policy

A new family member will soon be added to your health insurance policy, which means that you need to review it as early as now when things are not too hectic yet. If your job currently covers you, you can contact the human resources to find out how or you can also discuss it with your insurance provider.

You also have to remember that while you might already have health insurance in place, you will still have a few expenses you need to pay out of your pocket when it comes to family coverage plans and childbirth. Reviewing it early on gives you more time to save and ask questions.

Set Up a Registry

Everyone feels excited when there are new additions, both family and friends. There is a big chance that they will look for ways to help and get involved, so setting up a registry makes perfect sense. You can register for almost everything from the bigger stuff down to diapers so there are always something at all price points. Family and friends might even chip in to buy the more expensive items that can help a lot in lowering your expenses.

Have a Separate Account for the Baby

Babies don’t just need lots of stuff like formula and diapers because there are also higher priced things such as baby furniture, car seats, and even child care. You might be better off if you start to save for these as early as you can.

You can set up a separate saving account then start to put money there now. Also, you can consider having automatic transfer to your savings account from your checking account after every paycheck so that you can beef up your savings with no need to worry about it at all. Once your little angel finally arrives, you will be more prepared for any extra expenses.

Develop a New Budget

When it comes to preparing your finances for a baby, you need to think about and plan your budget the soonest that you can. Talk to your partner or spouse about possible significant changes that may affect your finances.

If one of you plans to stay home once the baby arrives, for instance, now is the perfect time for you to plan a single-income household. Check your current budge to find possible wiggle room in your flexible savings and income. This is often where you can get the money you can use for paying for the upcoming new expenses.

It can be both a frantic and fun time to prepare for a baby but make sure that your finances are also ready so you can shower your little one with everything he needs and deserves.


Jonathan Restrepo: Jonathan Restrepo writes about consumer credit for Creditmergency. He's passionate about helping others achieve financial freedom, so he dedicates his free time to learn about personal finance. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, MarketWatch, USA Today and MSN Money, and on the Associated Press wire.
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