Credit ratings or credit score are the records of a person’s spending pattern regarding credit cards and the repayment modes. Financial institutions, especially the credit card companies and the moneylenders, keep track of the credit statements of clients
Using your credit card once a year or foregoing subsequent repayment and settling the balance at the end of the year might not stand you in good light in terms of credit ratings, as your credit report takes into account last three years’ payment history. Any discrepancies on the part of credit card Company in issuing your statement or bill it should be brought to their notice immediately, since it may result in delay of payment or bad credit. Credit card could be used for monthly payments of bills, which would take care of the regularity of use, and smaller transactions can help in maintaining the required credit rating. Also regular and small transactions may help you increase your credit limit, which in turn accounts for a higher credit rating in the credit report.
Regular checking of your own credit report keeps you abreast with what to expect. Not exceeding the credit limit and keeping the balances low would help you in getting good credit ratings. Most important of all, it is better to repay the due amount before the due date to get better credit rating. Read this article if you are interested to know about credit scams.