Categories: Credit

Car Loans After Bankruptcy – 3 Tips On Financing Your Car With Bad Credit

Car Loans After Bankruptcy - 3 Tips On Financing Your Car With Bad CreditCar Loans After Bankruptcy - 3 Tips On Financing Your Car With Bad Credit

Tips On Financing Your Car With Bad Credit

If you have recently filed bankruptcy, you may wonder if its possible to get auto financing again. There are more and more loan companies all the time that have new programs to help finance people with bad credit. An auto loan is easier to get financing for than a personal loan or an unsecured loan because the lender can use the car as collateral against the loan, in case the borrower ever defaults or doesn’t make the loan payments.

Here are some tips to help you when getting financing to purchase or refinance a vehicle after a recent bankruptcy.

  1. Get Financed To Re-establish Your Credit – Getting a new car loan can help you re-establish your credit when you make your payments on time. Once you have made payments on time for about 6 months or longer, you should be able to refinance your car at a much lower rate. As you make your payments on time, your credit score will increase.
  2. Buy The Lowest Priced Car You Can – When financing a car after a recent bankruptcy, you can expect to see interest rates as high as 14-19% or more. It is not wise to buy a car that is more expensive than you need because, initially, you will be paying such a high interest rate on the amount you are borrowing on. If you do want a more expensive car, wait until you have made payments on time for a year or two, after your credit rating has increased. Then, you should be able to get an interest rate of around 9-10% or less.
  3. Get Multiple Offers – There are many lenders online that will offer you up to 4 offers from one application. Most of these loan companies will not even pull your credit with the initial application, they will just ask you to describe your credit. This way, your credit score will not drop from being pulled too often.

These all are the Tips On Financing Your Car With Bad Credit. Here you can read about Getting A Free Credit Report

Melissa Clark: Melissa Clark is a personal finance reporter at Creditmergency. She has earned a master’s degree in business and economic reporting from New York University. Clark has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Syracuse University and grew up in Miami, Fl.
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