Categories: Credit

Buying a Car With Bad Credit   

Some people have a hard time finding financing and leasing for their car purchases. Others simply don’t have any credit history while others have bad credit because of financial difficulties or bankruptcies.

However, your bad credit shouldn’t really stop you from buying a car, especially if you need one. There are a few things you can do to purchase a vehicle in spite of your bad credit.                                            

Things to Do for Buying a Car Even With Bad Credit:

For those who happen to have bad credit, it is still possible for you to get a lease or a loan so that you can still buy that car you are eyeing. However, it is important to remember that the process might also come with more limitations and might also be a bit harder.

The monthly payments and interest rates are also going to be higher and it is also likely that you will be snagging a lower amount of lease or loan for a much cheaper car.

Here are a few things that you can do so that it will be easier for you to get a loan or lease you can use for your vehicle purchase.

  1. Check and monitor your credit score.

This is something that you can do several months in advance for you to have enough time to address the issues, if there are any, and increase your score along the way.

      2. Save some cash.

It is more likely for you to get approved for the loan if you could make a higher down payment. If it is possible for you to purchase a vehicle outright, there is no need for you to worry at all about being approved.

      3. Get a pre-approval.

Visit the bank in advance and inquire if it is possible for you to be pre-approved for the loan.

      4. Eye cheaper cars.

You might want to look for cars that come with cheaper price tags because it also means that they will also have a smaller loan or lease.

      5. Get in touch with specialized lenders.

There are lenders whose specialties are bad credit loans with more experience dealing with situations such as yours. Depending on how bad of a credit you might have, it is possible that you can only receive a small loan enough to pay for a more affordable used vehicle or you might need to simply purchase it outright.

In the event that you don’t desperately need to purchase a car just yet, it will help a lot if you can take more time so that you can save up a bigger down payment and make your credit better as much as possible.

With the tips above, hopefully, you will come to see that your bad credit doesn’t necessarily mean that there is no hope for you at all, even if your credit situation seems a bit bad. You still have the chance to repair your credit score, not to mention that there are ways for you to buy a car in spite of your bad credit.


Jonathan Restrepo: Jonathan Restrepo writes about consumer credit for Creditmergency. He's passionate about helping others achieve financial freedom, so he dedicates his free time to learn about personal finance. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, MarketWatch, USA Today and MSN Money, and on the Associated Press wire.
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