Those who have problems with their credit can usually apply for loans, but they can expect to have much higher interest rates. The FICO score ranges from about 300 to 850. The closer you are to 850, the better your score is. Statistics show that the average American has a credit score that is about 677. To qualify for loans that have the best interest rates and features, you will need to have a score that is at least 720. If you want to know your credit score, there are a number of services that will charge you a fee for it.
A number of factors go into calculating your score. The most important factor is your payment history. How you make your payments will determine about 35% of your score, which is almost half. Failing to make payments on time is one of the leading causes of getting bad credit. Your payment history includes payments on credit cards, loans, and other bills. Filing for bankruptcy can greatly lower your score.
The amount of money you owe will determine you score as well. People who have too many loans and credit cards will have a score that is lower. If you have a long credit history that is good, this will increase your score. Lenders are much more likely to give good loans to people who have established credit. It is important to understand the different things that affect your credit score, because this could allow you to maintain a high score.
If your credit score is low, this means that you need to start making payments on time. If you have a large number of loans and credit cards, get rid of some of them. Being responsible with how you manage your credit will allow you to keep a high credit score. Lenders will be much more likely to give you the best rates and features on loans. Even if one lender rejects you, this doesn’t mean that all lenders will reject you. Understanding credit and how to manage it will allow you to remain financially successful.