Things to look for when choosing a credit card:
There are a lot of companies out there that make claims that they are helping individuals receive credit cards but in reality they just use the opportunity to take advantage of your already bad situation. This is the reason you need to compare various card issuers and their offers. Be sure to read all the fine print for every offer your considering. This includes information on the fees, participation fees, or any other startup costs plus your credit limit. These fees can produce a balance on your credit card before you even receive it. The truth of the matter is that no matter where you secure your credit card there will be extra fees involved if you have a tarnished credit history. But if you carefully compare your options you can find the offer with the lowest fees and interest rates (APR).,/p>
You can also have those fees associated with a secured credit card. This type of card requires a savings account to be opened and your balance would be what your credit limit is. If you were to default on the payments you would lose the balance.
Ultimately if you have bad credit it is not impossible to get a credit card, it will be more expensive but it is a way to regain your credit worthiness. If you are careful you can eventually apply for a regular credit card with competitive rates and credit limits. It is also wise to try and deal with online companies where their primary business is credit cards. They a lot of times are the ones with the better rates, lower fees, and a lot of times will not require a savings account. Your credit limit will be normally in the $250.00-$300.00 range but that is enough to start repairing your credit score. Used wisely it is more than enough. That’s all about what you should know before applying for credit cards.