Bad Or Damaged Credit? Can’t Get a Credit Card? Yes, You Can!
Damaged credit or no credit is not the end of the world. Many people believe that they just have to wait it out. There are some actions you can take to get you back to a good credit standing.
Here’s a brief example of how these cards really work. On the surface it works just like a debit card. Let’s say you made a $200 deposit to your secured credit card. You then go to the store and make a $20 purchase. Your account balance is almost immediately reduced by $20 to $180. The key to these cards is when the credit card company goes to report your information to the major credit reporting agencies, (the better secured card companies will report monthly). In simplified terms, the credit card company will tell the reporting agency that you made a $20 purchase on your credit card, and it was paid. As far as the reporting agency is concerned you are making good on your charges. This is a sign of a good borrower. Even if you have had problems with credit in the past the reporting agency is seeing that you are now less of a default risk thus bumping up your credit score. After time you become more appealing to other credit card companies and you will more readily be accepted for traditional credit cards.
Improving your credit is not a quick and easy task. There are many other things that factor into your credit score, but this is one action that you can take on your own. A secured credit card may not fix severely damaged credit, but for many people it’s a step in the right direction. It will not make your credit score sky rocket into the upper 700’s either. It will take some time, but it’s better than sitting back, passively hoping that things will get better.
*Before applying for any credit card be sure to read, and understand the ‘terms and conditions’ of the card.
Please visit for a selection of secured credit cards.