Credit cards allow you to make purchases and pay bills whenever and wherever you are. These cards can also help you build credit. But how long does it take to get a credit card? Here’s what you need to know when it comes to the credit card application process.
Many credit cards companies are now offering online applications. You only need to visit their website and fill up the application form. Some companies will reply within the same day after checking your current credit score. However, there are instances when applicants have to wait longer to get their application approved. For instance, if you mailed your application, you need to wait for the company to get your application, assess your information and send their reply through mail. You may need to wait several weeks to get their reply.
And if your application requires manual review because the company requires outstanding credit, you may need to wait longer. If you have not heard from the company for several weeks, you should get in touch with one of their customer service representatives to know what is happening with your credit card application. If you don’t want to wait, consider applying for a credit card online. Don’t forget to compare the fees, rewards and interest rates to find a credit card that fits your exact needs. Once your application is approved, the credit card company will send a physical card to your address through mail. Just remember that mailing times vary from one credit card company to another.
There are some things that you can do to expedite the process. If the card is provided by a bank, you could visit the nearest branch and request a temporary card. You may need to pay a fee for this kind of service. Some companies offer temporary card numbers instead of temporary cards. You can use the card number to make purchases and pay bills online. Another option is to ask the company for expedited shipping. The company may charge a fee for the service.
But even if you’re not in a rush to get the card, you should still contact the company to inform them that the card has not arrived. If someone stole your card, he could use it to make illegal purchases. Reaching out to the company is a good idea because they can monitor and see all activities made using the card. They can reissue a new credit card and cancel the old one to prevent fraudulent activities.
Applying for a credit card can help you earn rewards whenever you make purchases. It can also help you build credit. Some credit card companies offer instant approval, but you may need to wait 1 or 2 weeks for your credit cards to arrive. You should also consider the timing of delivery if you are planning to get a new card. It’s best to send your application early and avoid making any purchase while waiting for the card to arrive.