You may want to try to repair your credit on your own. You’ll want to be careful about making payments on collections accounts that you haven’t paid on in a few years, in order to avoid bringing them to the forefront of your credit. Your best bet with credit cards is to pay them all down (but not entirely off), and not to close any of them. Paying off an account sends a message to the credit reporting agency that you’re not comfortable carrying a balance, and canceling a credit card sends an even clearer message that you believe yourself to be in trouble with credit.
As you can see, going about repairing your credit score yourself can be tricky. You may want to enlist the help of a financial planner, a loan officer who offers credit advice, or even a credit counseling agency. These professionals can guide you through the credit repair process and help you maximize the score you receive for the amount of money you’re able to spend.
If you choose to apply for the loan right away, you’ll have to consult with what is known as a B/C lender. These lenders specialize in working with people who have bruised credit. The programs they offer are less stringent in their requirements for approval of the loan. You’ll pay more in interest for a B/C loan to offset the implied chance the lender is taking in working with someone who’s had credit trouble in the past, but the advantage is being able to apply and be approved for your loan without spending time and money raising your credit score.
You must make all these decisions based on how much you can save by acting now or waiting until later. Refinancing with a low credit score is not anyone’s first choice, but it may make sense for you if other factors would cost you even more before you have time to bring your credit score up. A financial planner or loan officer can advise you, but the final decision must be yours. That’s all about the Bad Credit And Home Refinance – How To Save Money.